Hello Everyone!
I hope this early Tuesday morning finds you all doing well! Had a full day yesterday, including having both the electricity and gas shut off (and then turned back on a few hours later). I'm just glad we were able to get them back on. Another thing we were able to get done lately is get the front headlight on the car replaced. About 2 months (or so) ago, my husband was going through an intersection - he had the green light - and this guy cut him off, turning (hubby was going straight ahead), clipping the front passenger side of our minivan. The headlight was smashed as well as some of the body of the car. When hubby pulled to the side after getting through the intersection (expecting the other person would stop as well to exchange info), he ended up getting shot at, 3 times!! He jumped in the van, headed home, called the police, and filed a report!
Anyways, we hadn't had the extra money for the part, and a few trips to the local auto pull-apart yard had yielded nothing. The local auto parts store wanted $301.00+ for the part (uh thanks, but uh... no thanks... need to buy luxuries like groceries and medicine!). About a week ago we found a place online that was selling the part we needed for about $78. Granted, a bit more than pull-apart but WAAY less than the auto parts store. We ordered it, and it arrived on Saturday afternoon. When we went to the laundromat yesterday to use the dryers, hubby brought along the part and got it installed while the clothes were drying. It is sooo nice to have the headlight back and to know we won't be getting stopped by the police anymore, who ask "Do you know you have a light missing?" (We then explain to them what happened, that a report was filed, that I am on a limited income due to disability and that when we had the extra money we would have it fixed. They were very understanding and let us off with only warnings.)
So we are slowly but surely tying up some loose ends. We are still awaiting a formal response from SSI about my husband's disability case. He had his 4th appeal/hearing in August and they said we should hear something soon. It's been 4 years this month that he initially applied and it's been a long, long waiting game.
For my birthday, I was able to buy a "For Dummies" book on PhotoShop CS3, so I can finally learn and understand how to use the program, and then I can start doing some creating on it as well as continue on Paint Shop Pro. The book is originally about $40 (it's an "all in one" book) and I managed to find it a Half.com for about $21! Nice price. I also was able to get the Vana'diel Collection for Windows as I was needing the expansion packs and have been waiting since last birthday for this! (In case you didn't know, I'm a big gamer as well, and LOVE playing Final Fantasy 11, which is an MMORPG.)
I've also been busy playing and creating in PSP. I've been learning some new things, found some new tutorials and even managed to discover how to do a couple of new techniques!! One of the things I've recently made are these floppy-looking flowers, which I'm sharing with you all today:

They come in 10 basic colors, and come in the 3 usual formats (.png, .psp, and .pspimage).
Here are the download links:
.png format
.psp format
.pspimage format
If you do download, please leave a comment?

Thanks for looking, and if you like what you see, be sure to check back often as I am always putting up stuff to snag!!
Until next time...

I hope this early Tuesday morning finds you all doing well! Had a full day yesterday, including having both the electricity and gas shut off (and then turned back on a few hours later). I'm just glad we were able to get them back on. Another thing we were able to get done lately is get the front headlight on the car replaced. About 2 months (or so) ago, my husband was going through an intersection - he had the green light - and this guy cut him off, turning (hubby was going straight ahead), clipping the front passenger side of our minivan. The headlight was smashed as well as some of the body of the car. When hubby pulled to the side after getting through the intersection (expecting the other person would stop as well to exchange info), he ended up getting shot at, 3 times!! He jumped in the van, headed home, called the police, and filed a report!
Anyways, we hadn't had the extra money for the part, and a few trips to the local auto pull-apart yard had yielded nothing. The local auto parts store wanted $301.00+ for the part (uh thanks, but uh... no thanks... need to buy luxuries like groceries and medicine!). About a week ago we found a place online that was selling the part we needed for about $78. Granted, a bit more than pull-apart but WAAY less than the auto parts store. We ordered it, and it arrived on Saturday afternoon. When we went to the laundromat yesterday to use the dryers, hubby brought along the part and got it installed while the clothes were drying. It is sooo nice to have the headlight back and to know we won't be getting stopped by the police anymore, who ask "Do you know you have a light missing?" (We then explain to them what happened, that a report was filed, that I am on a limited income due to disability and that when we had the extra money we would have it fixed. They were very understanding and let us off with only warnings.)
So we are slowly but surely tying up some loose ends. We are still awaiting a formal response from SSI about my husband's disability case. He had his 4th appeal/hearing in August and they said we should hear something soon. It's been 4 years this month that he initially applied and it's been a long, long waiting game.
For my birthday, I was able to buy a "For Dummies" book on PhotoShop CS3, so I can finally learn and understand how to use the program, and then I can start doing some creating on it as well as continue on Paint Shop Pro. The book is originally about $40 (it's an "all in one" book) and I managed to find it a Half.com for about $21! Nice price. I also was able to get the Vana'diel Collection for Windows as I was needing the expansion packs and have been waiting since last birthday for this! (In case you didn't know, I'm a big gamer as well, and LOVE playing Final Fantasy 11, which is an MMORPG.)
I've also been busy playing and creating in PSP. I've been learning some new things, found some new tutorials and even managed to discover how to do a couple of new techniques!! One of the things I've recently made are these floppy-looking flowers, which I'm sharing with you all today:

They come in 10 basic colors, and come in the 3 usual formats (.png, .psp, and .pspimage).
Here are the download links:
.png format
.psp format
.pspimage format
If you do download, please leave a comment?

Thanks for looking, and if you like what you see, be sure to check back often as I am always putting up stuff to snag!!
Until next time...